Friday, August 29, 2008


What has gone wrong with the financial lenders? Who has the required five (5) times the funds requested to act as collateral? Who has the necessary credit rating to justify such loans?

The business community and those that have a worth while idea or concept should be treated in a more humane manner than they are presently being subjected to.

Using the free enterprise system and its printed money control system simply to promote the major players or some new derivative or the latest housing sales scam does not provide for or protect the existing hard working people who are the backbone of the free enterprise system in the first place.

Existing profitable and operating businesses need a better and more user friendly methodology when it comes to the securing of funds with which to continue and / or to expand and they should be less expensive.

Here is the inside story; if it is good enough for major world governments to use to pay off there debt to the worlds banks and others, it should be good enough to finance a shrinking economic downturn.

Since very early in the 80's, Mexico was first, this system has been responsible for more than two trillion dollars in restructured loans worldwide. The banks and others were saved from huge write offs with what are known as Brady Bonds (click on any search engine on the net and you will find hundreds of pages) what you will not find is how it was done or a link to a anyone that is doing this for businesses.

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